It's that time of year again. The clock has struck 12 midnight, the ball in Times Square has dropped, kisses have been shared, champagne has been you know what your New Year resolutions are?
Our rockin' New Year's Eve was not very rockin' this year. We decided to avoid the bars and stay off the roads, so we treated ourselves to a "surf n' turf" dinner: lobster tails and steaks on the grill. YUM! Delicious meal, followed by a new tradition**
The burning of the Christmas tree:Unfortunately, that day and night, Detroit had been experiencing usual rain so it took almost a 1/2 gallon of gasoline to get those sticks going. But once it was lit, it was a beautiful sight!
Afterwards, we enjoyed some of Barbados' finest: Rum Punch! We brought it back from the honeymoon, and only now decided to drink it. I'm not sure if one should keep rum punch for 17 months, but it still tasted good and got me a good buzz!
We think that looks like Eddie Murphy on the label, circa 'Coming to America'...what do you think?
Marc and I went traditional with our resolutions this year: quit smoking, eat healthier and lose weight. I don't think we could call ourselves American if we didn't pick at least ONE of those! We're doing okay so far. We have been eating better, and for the past couple of days we've both been putting in about 10 minutes on our's fun, and even better when you can watch TV while using it.
Wish us luck with our resolutions! Happy 2006 to all!
**I have to credit the idea of burning our tree to a forum friend: Husky! Thanks!